Patrick 18th April 2020

For the period of time i lived with Don i learned one of the most important things i still carry with me til this day.while dating his daughter and sharing a room with her ,Don made it very clear in the way he came across that if his daughter was not treated right it would be a very bad situation for me. However the other side of Don made me feel as young guy if I had any issues or problems that I needed to speak about with someone he was somebody I could go to and feel comfortable talking with. Always knowing his response was always going to be genuine not a run-of-the-mill response because I'm the guy dating his daughter.. to me as a young guy and now an older guy I believe that is one of the best qualities of a real man...strong enough to scare u but kind and caring enough that u never feel uncomfortable going to him with a problem. I say as a man it's a great quality but as a single father Don was smart enough to know it was a necessity. Thank you Don George for showing me real men are strong and caring all In one .